
The Junior League of Edmonton gratefully acknowledges the generous support of IBM in helping us build a better community.


Association of Junior Leagues International
The Association of Junior Leagues International is a not-for-profit organization that brings together 296 Junior Leagues in four countries.

audemars piguet replica

C & E Railway Station Museum
A replica of the original railway station in Old Strathcona, the C & E Railway Station Museum houses an interpretive museum and the Junior League of Edmonton’s headquarters

Canadian Federation of Junior Leagues
The Canadian Federation of Junior Leagues is an affinity group of the Association of Junior Leagues International.

Charity Job Search serves Canada’s “caring community” – including charities, non-profit organizations, healthcare providers and social services organizations. They also have a growing features section, where visitors can access valuable information to help with their job search and/or advance their career.

Charity Village
Charity Village is dedicated to encouraging, supporting and servicing the 175,000 Canadian charities and nonprofit organizations and the millions of staffers, volunteers, donors and supporters who make them an important part of our national fabric.

College Talk
The College Talk program helps parents talk to their college-bound student about drinking. This program was developed by an advisory panel of authorities in the fields of education, family therapy, student health and wellness, alcohol treatment and social norms marketing, and through conversations with parents and students.

Global Movement for Children
The Global Movement for Children is a collection of people and organizations around the world dedicated to promoting the rights of the child.

Go Volunteer
GoVolunteer’s online database uses the power of the Internet and allows you to search for volunteer opportunities within Canada. Finding volunteer work that suits your interests, skills and schedule is easier than ever!

Imagine Canada
Imagine Canada supports Canada’s charities, nonprofit organizations and socially conscious businesses and champions the work they do in our communities.

IMPACS, the Institute for Media, Policy and Civil Society, is a Canadian charitable organization committed to the protection and expansion of democracy and to strengthening civil society.

Nonprofit and Voluntary Organizations in Alberta
Albertans and nonprofit organizations now have a new on-line window into government programs, grants and volunteer opportunities, making it easier to access information and services through the provincial government department of Service Alberta.

Junior Leagues on the ‘Net


Abilene, Texas
Akron, Ohio
Albany, Georgia
Albany, New York
Albuquerque, New Mexico
Alexandria, Louisiana
Amarillo, Texas
Ann Arbor, Michigan
Annapolis, Maryland
Arlington, Texas
Asheville, North Carolina
Atlanta, Georgia
Augusta, Georgia
Austin, Texas

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Baltimore, Maryland
Bangor, Maine
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Battle Creek, Michigan
Bell County, Texas
Bergen County, New Jersey
Berkshire County, Massachusetts
Binghamton, New York
Birmingham, Alabama
Birmingham, Michigan
Boca Raton, Florida
Boise, Idaho
Boston, Massachusetts
Bronxville, New York
Brooklyn, New York
Bryan–College Station, Texas
Buffalo, New York

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Calgary, Alberta 
Canton, Ohio
Cedar Rapids, Iowa
Central & North Brevard, Florida
Central Westchester, New York
Champaign–Urbana, Illinois
Charleston, South Carolina
Charlotte, North Carolina
Charlottesville, Virginia
Chattanooga, Tennessee
Chicago, Illinois
Cincinnati, Ohio
Clearwater–Dunedin, Florida
Cleveland, Ohio
Cobb–Marietta, Georgia
Columbia, South Carolina
Columbus, Georgia
Columbus, Ohio
Corpus Christi, Texas
Greater Covington, Louisiana

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Dallas, Texas
Dayton, Ohio
Daytona Beach, Florida
Denver, Colorado
Des Moines, Iowa
Detroit, Michigan
Douglas County, Georgia
Duluth, Minnesota
Durham and Orange Counties, North Carolina

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Eastern Fairfield County, Connecticut
Edmonton, Alberta 
El Paso, Texas
Elizabeth–Plainfield, New Jersey
Greater Elmira–Corning, New York
Emerald Coast, Florida
Erie, Pennsylvania
Eugene, Oregon
Evanston–North Shore, Illinois
Evansville, Indiana

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Fayetteville, North Carolina
Flint, Michigan
The Flint Hills, Kansas
Florence, South Carolina
Fort Collins, Colorado
Fort Myers, Florida
Fort Wayne, Indiana
Fort Worth, Texas
Fresno, California

[Back to index]


Gainesville, Florida
Gainesville–Hall County, Georgia
Gaston County, North Carolina
Greensboro, North Carolina
Greenville, South Carolina
Greenwich, Connecticut
Gwinnett and North Fulton Counties, Georgia

[Back to index]


Hamilton–Burlington, Ontario 
Hampton Roads, Virginia
Harlingen, Texas
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania
Hartford, Connecticut
Honolulu, Hawaii
Houston, Texas
Huntington, West Virginia
Huntsville, Alabama

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Indianapolis, Indiana

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Jackson, Mississippi
Jackson County, Oregon
Jacksonville, Florida
Johnson City, Tennessee

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Kane and DuPage Counties, Illinois
Kansas City, Missouri
Kingston, New York
Knoxville, Tennessee

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Lafayette, Louisiana
Lake Charles, Louisiana
Greater Lakeland, Florida
Lansing, Michigan
Las Cruces, New Mexico
Las Vegas, Nevada
Lee County, Alabama
The LeHigh Valley, Pennsylvania
Lexington, Kentucky
Lincoln, Nebraska
Little Rock, Arkansas
London, England 
Long Beach, California
Long Island, New York
Longview, Texas
Los Angeles, California
Louisville, Kentucky
Lubbock, Texas
Lufkin, Texas
Lynchburg, Virginia

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Macon, Georgia
Madison, Wisconsin
Manatee County, Florida
Martin County, Florida
Memphis, Tennessee
Mexico City, Mexico 
Miami, Florida
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Minneapolis, Minnesota
Mobile, Alabama
Monmouth County, New Jersey
Montclair–Newark, New Jersey
Monterey County, California
Montgomery, Alabama
Morristown, New Jersey

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Napa–Sonoma, California
Nashville, Tennessee
Greater New Haven, Connecticut
New Orleans, Louisiana
The City of New York, New York
Norfolk–Virginia Beach, Virginia
Norman, Oklahoma
North Harris and South Montgomery Counties, Texas
North Little Rock, Arkansas
Northern Virginia, Virginia

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Oakland–East Bay, California
Odessa, Texas
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Olympia, Washington
Omaha, Nebraska
Orange County, California
Oranges and Short Hills, New Jersey
Greater Orlando, Florida
Owensboro, Kentucky

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The Palm Beaches, Florida
Palm Springs Desert Communities, California
Palo Alto–Mid Peninsula, California
Pasadena, California
Pensacola, Florida
Peoria, Illinois
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Phoenix, Arizona
Pine Bluff, Arizona
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Plano, Texas
Portland, Maine
Portland, Oregon
Greater Princeton, New Jersey

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Quad Cities, Indiana/Illinois

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Racine, Wisconsin
Raleigh, North Carolina
Reading, Pennsylvania
Reno, Nevada
Rhode Island
Richardson, Texas
Richmond, Virginia
Roanoke Valley, Virginia
Rochester, New York
Rockford, Illinois

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Sacramento, California
St. Louis, Missouri
St. Paul, Minnesota
St. Petersburg, Florida
Salt Lake City, Utah
San Antonio, Texas
San Diego, California
San Francisco, California
San Jose, California
Santa Barbara, California
Savannah, Georgia
Seattle, Washington
Sioux Falls, South Dakota
South Bend, Indiana
South Brevard, Florida
Spartanburg, South Carolina
Spokane, Washington
Springfield, Illinois
Springfield, Missouri
Stamford–Norwalk, Connecticut
Summit, New Jersey
Syracuse, New York

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Tacoma, Washington
Tallahassee, Florida
Tampa, Florida
Topeka, Kansas
Toronto, Ontario 
Troy, New York
Tucson, Arizona
Tulsa, Oklahoma
Tuscaloosa, Alabama
Tyler, Texas

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Victoria, Texas

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Waco, Texas
Washington, D.C.
Westchester-on-Hudson, New York
Westchester on the Sound, New York
Wichita, Kansas
Williamsport, Pennsylvania
Wilmington, Delaware
Wilmington, North Carolina
Winnipeg, Manitoba 
Winston–Salem, North Carolina
Worcester, Massachusetts

What’s New?
Are you an energetic woman who is interested in bettering your community in a volunteer capacity? Are you looking to become part of a group of like-minded women? Then come and join our team. For more information on membership in the Junior League of Edmonton, please contact u